Military Credit Services : Top Reasons to Start a Family Business

Military Credit Services, LLC, also known as MCS, is a successful Virginia sales finance business that provides financial solutions to retailer partners. Brothers Leonard (Link) and John Melley founded the company in 2004.

Together, John Melley and Link Melley have founded and run several profitable family businesses. Before Military Credit Services, the family succeeded with two prior ventures. If you and your family are considering starting a family business, reasons like those below could give you the confidence to take the leap:

  • For families with children, leaving a legacy is more than a nice idea – it’s a necessity. Not only is a family business a prosperous gift to pass down, but the entrepreneurial spirit that it inspires is a legacy. Parents and family members who demonstrate work ethic inspire their children to follow suit.

For example, when speaking about his family-inspired drive, Link Melley stated “I learned a lot lessons from my father (RIP) . . . the most valuable was the importance of work ethic.” Link continued, saying “At the early age of 7, he directed me to ‘go to work’ and so I did. My first job was delivering TV guides . . . I kept that job for almost [five] years before I turned it over to my brother. After college, I partnered with my father to start a retail business.”

  • Starting a business is often a financial solution, not just for you, but for your family and loved ones. Furthermore, if your family faces needs that are not met by other companies, you can create a solution though a new business, cornering a market.

An entrepreneurial endeavor like Military Credit Services with family isn’t easy, but it can be a rewarding and profitable undertaking should you and your loved ones commit to it.

Author: johnmelleymilitaryvirginia

John Melley of Virginia encourages individual consumers to investigate consumer financing, as when a consumer accepts the terms and conditions of a loan, they pledge repayment.

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